A Gentleman In Moscow

I stopped reading this book halfway through. It wasn’t because it was bad. It was because it was so good that I didn’t want it to end. A Gentleman In…

A Day at SXSW

8:15 a.m – Beyoncé’s “Hold Up” blares from my phone. I’ve slept in, despite arriving at my hotel at 11 p.m. It feels amazing. 9:30 a.m – eat breakfast in…

Leather Pants You Can Wear Anywhere

5:05 a.m – whyyyyyy? Oh, because I need to finish the Hit List post and get emails done. Let myself journal and meditate in bed before heading to the kitchen.…

Meet The Pseudo-Suit

5:30 a.m – why on Earth did I set my alarm this early? Oh. I know why. I’m a sucker for punishment. I crawl out of bed and through my…

Channa Masala

6 p.m. is when I (try to) shut down my computer, tidy my desk, and make my way to the kitchen to cook dinner. In reality, it’s more like 6:45,…

The Cape I’m Always Wearing

7 a.m – alarm goes off. Hit snooze. 7:30 a.m – alarm goes off again. Drag myself out of bed. No time for the morning routine. I quickly brush my…

My Lady Jane

I nearly broke my Kindle while reading My Lady Jane. I dropped it multiple times because I was laughing so hard. The right ‘turn page’ sensor stopped working briefly because of…

My Favorite Jumpsuit

The days I don’t stick to my routines are…well, not pretty. Yesterday was one of those days. Here’s how it went down, and the two things that got me back…