Dear Baby Sister

I’m an only child, but have grown close enough to certain family members that I consider them my brother and sister.  My cousin Neela, who lived in our house from birth until age 2 when I was 8 is, is essentially my little sister.  I remember when she was born, when she first crawled her way into my room and subsequently pulled everything off my shelves that she could reach, and the first time I realized that the “holy terror” that destroyed my childhood room had grown into a lovely young lady.  She’s headed off to college today (a six-year medical program in the Caribbean), and I’m still coming to terms with the fact that the tiny baby whose presence I both loved and hated as a 9 year old is now 18, headed off for higher education, and will be a doctor in 6 years.

Dear Baby Sister,

By the time you read this, you will have set up your laptop in your dorm room (undoubtedly the first thing you do upon arriving) and already checking Facebook and changing your status.  I hope your room is comfortable, and your roommate is cool.  Organize your unpacking – clothes, desk, bathroom, and kitchen.  I promise this is the fastest and most organized way to unpack.

I remember when I first went off to college – I could not wait to unpack my belongings in my room and for mom and dad to leave.  I’m sure you will feel the same way, but do me a favor; give them and your little brother a huge hug, kiss, and “I love you” before they leave.  That last exchange will have to get them through the next 5 months.

Get comfortable with the campus before classes start.  The last thing you want is to be searching for a building the first day of class and walking in late…I am guilty of this move several times over.  Try and study right when you get home from class so it’s out of the way.  I wish I had done this…but didn’t.  All-nighters are something I would never wish upon you.

Kraft mac-and-cheese and and Top Ramen will never taste more delicious.  Add in plenty of crushed red pepper flakes and avvakaya to boost up the flavor.  Try and avoid coffee for as long as you can.  Green or black tea, with lemon juice and honey, are the way to go.  Always make sure you have baby carrots, hummus, popcorn, and pappu in stock.

I know you’re going to college on the beach, so PLEASE wear sunscreen.  And sunglasses.  And even wear a hat when you can.

Set up a Mozy account to back-up your files online.  The last thing you want is your computer to crash and all your photos, episodes of Chuck, and every college document to disappear (guilty of this as well).  It’s more than worth the $5 a month.

You’ll make plenty of new friends, but remember that future doctors are the most competitive people on Earth.  Ignore the competitiveness as best as you can and focus on your own work.  Do a cumulative review of everything at the end of the week.  Pick your study partners wisely.  From experience, the more manic the study partner, the better he/she is.

On the subject of friends, you will just know when you meet someone who will be a lifelong friend.  Don’t feel guilty about making new friends while still maintaining your high-school friendships – it will work out the way it’s supposed to.  Smile, laugh (and snort), and find fellow nerdishly hilarious people who have an appreciation for great music and Sharpie body art.

Nothing beats a clean room and jazz music for a conducive study environment.  Popcorn and tea are the best snacks.  Alternate your assignments (one hard, one easy) when tackling your studying.  Always write your chemistry lab reports the day of lab, as it will be the most fresh in your mind.

Communal living is no joke, so make sure you do something by yourself every now and then.  Go run on the beach.  Wander around the island and take pictures.  Go watch a movie alone.  Take a nap in the sun.

CALL ME.  I want to hear about everything – the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I am always here for you, no matter where I am.

I love you, baby sis.  And I can’t wait for you to enjoy this exciting time of your life.


Big Sis

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