Guest Post – Catalina, City and Burbs

I met Catalina during my year in North Carolina for job training – and always admired her stylish ensembles.  Though we both landed jobs in the Northeast, we didn’t reconnect until we both joined Twitter – and quickly rekindled our friendship.  I’m a huge fan of City and Burbs, the lifestyle blog penned by Catalina and her sister Diana.

Hey everyone!  I’m Catalina from City and Burbs.  My sister, Diana, and I blog about style — in fashion, for the home and for life — and I’m honored to be a guest here at Hitha on the Go.  When Hitha asked me to write about the best gift I’d ever received, I have to admit that I was stumped.  But then all at once, it hit me.  The best gift I’ve ever received, was a pair of Christian Louboutin Pigalle Plato 120 shoes in black patent leather.

Obviously, who wouldn’t love a pair of Loubs? But a little less obvious is why they were so special. They were a wedding gift from my sister. The same sister who refused to lend me clothes when we were young because they would inevitably return damaged somehow (even though I’d sneak some stuff anyway.) The fact that she gave me such a high-end gift made me feel like I’d finally grown up. I’ve never been much for luxury. In fact, I’m usually a proud bargain shopper — my favorite stores include Loehmann’s and Annie Sez. And while I’ll probably never abandon my thrifty ways, having these shoes has definitely made me more open to splurging a bit every now and then. After all, I work hard, why shouldn’t I occasionally indulge?