I’m In Business, Man


– Ann Taylor dress (love this one) – Kate Spade bag
- Sole Society heels c/o – Capwell & Co jewelry c/o

Let me say what every other style blogger is thinking in the northeast – outfit pictures in the summer is a bitch.  A raging, hormonal, height of PMS bitch.

Couple summer with a stupidly busy day (and start of the week), and you have me, last Monday, photographed here.  On days like this, it’s all about a simple dress and statement accessories.  My new gems from Capwell & Co provided a perfect pop of color, and my studded shoes from Sole Society gave me the edge I needed to kick a little ass that day.  Good shoes and jewelry are all a girl needs to survive.  And for me, a glass of wine and an episode of guilty television is the perfect way to end a busy day.




Photography by Lydia Hudgens

I’d love to know – what’s your go-to outfit on crazy days, and how do you showcase your personal style with it?  COMMENT below and share it with me!   I’m always looking for new tips and tricks to incorporate into my own style.