Thanksgiving is, hands down, my favorite holiday. What more can you ask for other than food, family, and FOOTBALL? In what other holiday is it acceptable to eat and eat and eat and eat some more?
Turkey Day is a big deal in our house. It is an even bigger deal that we are missing it this year by coming to India. While I’m still mourning the fact that November 26th will be a turkey-less day for me, I’ve decided to persevere and share the Thanksgiving cheer and one of my favorite recipes: Pumpkin Cookies.
Not to brag, but these little bites of heaven are the first to go from the dessert table at our T-day dinner. They are mind-blowingly simple as they are delicious, and if canned pumpkin was available year-round, I would be making these 365 days a year. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Cookies
1 packet dry sugar cookie mix (I opt for the Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie mix)
1 cup of canned pumpkin
1 egg
1 stick butter, melted
2 tbsps of maple syrup (a smidge more maple syrup will give the cookies a moist, cake-like texture)
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Powdered sugar, for garnish (you can also use cream cheese frosting)
- Follow the instructions on the sugar cookie mix to make up the batter, preheat the oven
- Add the pumpkin, maple syrup, cinnamon, and nutmeg
- Dollop the batter onto a cookie sheet. I prefer to make small lumps for bite-sized cookies
- Bake the cookies at the heat and time as printed on the cookie mix instructions
- Remove cookies from hot oven, sprinkle powdered sugar onto the hot cookies (I use a strainer). If you’re going to finish with cream cheese frosting, allow the cookies to cool before slathering on the frosting.
Serve with hot cider or a cold glass of milk and enjoy!
This recipe is super easy to double/triple/quadruple (in the case of my family’s Thanksgiving), and is easy enough for the kids to make.
If you DO brave this recipe, please comment below and let me know how it went. Good luck!