Top Apps – Productivity

I tend to kill the battery on my iPhone at least once a day (thank goodness for this case) – and it’s usually because I’m using at least a few of these apps at the same time.  Here’s are my go-to apps for staying organized and productive.


TeuxDeux – I have Grace to thank for getting me hooked on this amazing tool to maintain my to-do lists.  It’s clean, easy to use, and I have it open on all my devices at any given time.  I’m forever adding new items, crossing off completed items, and re-shuffling the items on the list.  It’s a fantastic app – I highly recommend it to everyone.

WorkFlowy – TeuxDeux contains what I need to do on a given day and week – WorkFlowy has everything I need to do, for everything in life.  I tend to write out long, rambling lists when starting a new venture, and WorkFlowy is a fantastic tool to write out all the tasks.  I also love that I can share it with others, and minimize main activity groups.  While there’s no iOS or Android app for WorkFlowy, I have the website saved to my “Productivity” folder on my iPhone/iPad and it works like a charm.

Evernote – The first app I download when I have a new device, hands down.  I use Evernote for EVERYTHING – recipes, blog post ideas and drafts, business documents, meeting notes.  If I’m not on TeuxDeux updating my to-do list, I’m typing away on Evernote on any given document.

Easy Sign Mobile – Given that I’m on the road a LOT, it makes it hard to print and sign off on documents.  However, EasySign is my savior – I can sign and date any document, anywhere.  The only downside is that I now seem to have even more documents to sign off on now.

TaskRabbit – I don’t know what I did before discovering TaskRabbit.  All those chores/errands I never seem to have time to run are now taken care of by competent, professional, nice people for a reasonable fee.  Mailing packages?  TaskRabbit it.  Dropping off items to Goodwill?  TaskRabbit it.  Picking up the most random of items when I’m en route to a meeting?  TaskRabbit it.  I’ve even had them wash my dishes once – but in my defense, my husband and I were both out of town, and I was paranoid that some of the soaked items would start to rust.  I may need TaskRabbit rehab.

WorldCard Mobile – I’m usually the one recommending apps to my brother and father, but big bro told me about this one.  WorldCard snaps a photo of a business card and creates a new contact in your phone – which is a lifesaver when you have a stack of hundreds of business cards and fingers too tired to type each contact individually.  During one of my two flights today, I quickly input a thick stack of cards (while watching a Real Housewives of NJ episode, no less).  Thanks bro!

Which apps help keep you organized and productive?  Please share – I’m always on the hunt for new ones.